Bruce Elliot


Therapeutic Massage

New Location:  Cheshire Wellness Center

located on the 3rd floor of the Colony Mill Marketplace


I am excited to be in a beautiful new space.  Dr. Rich Gorsuch has expanded his practice into the "Cheshire Wellness Center".  As of July 21, 2010 I will be working with clients there.  There is pleny of free parking and an elevator to the 3rd floor.


To schedule an appointment, call the office manager at Cheshire Wellness Center 357-5700.  You can also learn more about Rich and his practice at his website.

I have completed my first Reiki training with Reiki Master Tess Rath.  It is great stuff.  I look forward to being able to share the healing energy with my clients.

If you have any questions about massage, Reiki or anything that you would like to ask, click on contact me.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.